The Day was filled with laughter and fun!
The Mr.'s work had a company picnic for the weekend..
Lots to do
and these ladies (above pictured) went above and beyond the call of duty!
I had lots to take pics of!
I had no idea who 80% of these people were,
but that didn't stop me from taking pics!
Below is just a sample of some of my fav pics..
This is Mr's Boss.
I love this pic b/c is shows his tender side.
This is the proud Mommy :)
She is soooo darn cute!
I'm not sure who these two were,
but I had to take this shot.
Lil' bitty Foot it is!
Proud Grammy xoxo
The Mr. was the perfect person in the Dunk Tank!He heckled people and it made you want to hit the darn target!
No...I couldn't do it.
I was taking pics.
Now this shot...
He darn near hit me with the horseshoe!
Hope you had a great Day!
More pics tomorrow! :)
Looks like a great time!!! :) Those are some darling pictures!!!
Hi,Jody.I think I finally Got a account with google so I can leave you messages now.Witch is good.I saw the pictures of yours ,and Darrens new house.It is verry nice.It looks like you still got alot of work to do as far as unpacking.I bet tou ,and adrren has been verry busy.It looks like it was a while ago since the pictures were taken.Your proubly still unpacking.It must feel good having your own home.Iam so happy for you guys.Your craft room sure is looking nice.I like the shelfes in there.Darren did a good job putting those up.I like the hard wood floors.Verry nice looking.The living room ,and your kitchen are looking nice.I like your refrigerator.I agree its definetly good clutter.I liked the pictures of Darrens company piccnic you took.Thats funny Darren was heckling people to dunk him.I bet that was fun sitting in the dunk tank.I noticed that you take some verry good pictures.I know a while back you said you got a new camera ,and you love it.I noticed that right of the bat.I thought those are some quality pictures those are good job with the pictures.Well i hope your weekend is going good.Well I will talk to you later.Have a good day.I love you.
Hi,Jody.Its me clint.I just sent you a message.Iam not sure if you got it for sure.Iam also not sure if its saying my name.I hope so.Well talk to you later.I hope you enjoy your day.
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