Monday, October 19, 2009

.10.19.09.."This is just wong. Wong I say..."

Okay, these were sent to me by my sister-in-law.
I'm not too crazy about forwarding things, however these were just too "phunny" not to put on my blog!! Some of these are rated R-seriously. NO JUDGING!!!!!!!
I did not take these pics!!!

Well, at least they agree -that is what happens, when you eat too much...

Ha! Ha!

Will not be eating here anytime soon...

{Yes, shake yer head.It's real}

Snicker, snicker....

The owners: Beavis and Butthead.

That's just phunny!!!

Oh no you didn't!!!!!! Ha! Ha!

snicker, snicker...

Grow up, Jody.....giggle, giggle...

Ha! Ha!

Okay, this is the B*E*S*T*!!!!!
I don't care who you are!
That is phunny stuff right there!


I hope this is a "Cheese Ball" factory or something....or something.

Boss: "We are having a business meeting with the CEO of the company. We need to impress him....Jody, your in charge of the restaurant. Which restaurant?"
Me: "Ummm. Can't think of a thing.."
Ha! Ha! Ha!


Anonymous said...

Hahahah, pause wipe tear, hahahahah! Hilariousness x's 10! What is the world were these people thinking. I would never be mature enough to actually go there. Perfect Monday laugh.

The Pink Chick said...

These made me giggle!!! Thanks for sharing!

Robbie said...

Absolutely hilarious. Can you believe I've actually eaten at Hung Far Low??!! It was one of those things where you just had to to say you did, so we did! And Crabby Dick's had to know what they were doing...

Kate said...

i snickered my way through this entire post. so funny. thanks for the smiles!

Cupcakes with Nic said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh -- can't believe some of those names... hahaha!

MissPrettyinPink said...

Holy no way! Some times you have to rethink the names.....geeez

Unknown said...

Woooooooooooooow. *rofl*

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