Monday, January 12, 2009

..1.12.09.."it's a good day..i say"..

What a good day! I got my hair it...(see 'same day-post')...we just putsed...{IS THAT a word?}.....around and I scored @ "Vicky's" again!! Yes!! I'm set for "under apparel" for life...well there goes my plastic surgery wish down the drain...can't change a size now! Well, when tiger/zebra prints are out of style...hey? Is that why they were $1.99? Things that make you go hmmmmm????? Kiddin' Girlz!!!!!
But Mr. got the rest of his Karaoke system and a power washer...not to be used together, though.
But as WE (well me...type) he's singing! Love it!! I missed that...he just gets his guitar out and just starts singing...sigh.....but he's checking all the equipment now...
American Bandstand, watch out...Mr. Fancy is in the house!


Mrs Anne said...

Yay for you guys! What FUN purchases! :) You're so cute! I love your hair! :)

Can't wait to sing with your American Idol!

MissPrettyinPink said...

Love the hair!
Just like nothing ever changed huh.....
I cant sing a lick but I would like to see the system he got. I bet he is great!!!

Miss-happypants said...

lol...I wish I could sing. Okay...okay...I actually CAN sing...there would just be crying involved from all of those around.

Sounds like you're having a fun day! :) Cute hair!

Lets gather around the campfire And sing our campfire song Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song And if you don't think that we can sing i...