Friday, August 7, 2009


Who: Fellow co-workers and a Dr.
When: 3RD day @ new job
What: Conversation that took place...
Where: @ the clinic

Mood: Pretty quiet....

Others: "Yea, Moth Balls stink. They are so gross.Yuk!"

Me: {who is clearly not in the conversation...I'm overhearing this..} "So have you smelled Moth Balls before?'

Others: "Yea, they are gross!"

Me: "How did you get their legs apart?"

Others: {You could hear crickets in the background....stare, blink, blink....}
"Bwawwhahahahahahhahahhahha!!!!!!! Your gonna fit around here ! Oh my gosh! We walked into that one!"

Me: {patting self on back.....thanking God they have smelled Moth Balls before ,or it just wouldn't be funny...}


Ashley said...

You are fabulous!!! :)

Jen~nae said...

Um.......Yeah.........I don't get I don't even know what moth balls are....Is that sad?? On the other hand!! I'm glad you are fitting in and making everyone laugh as usual! :)

MissPrettyinPink said...

Oh my! LOL

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!!! too funny!!

Lyryn said...

Hey... I tagged you in my blog! Check it out! ;)

The Pink Chick said...

You are too funny!!! Glad you are enjoying your new job!


Too funny!! Keep it up.

5th Belle Avenue said...

AAHAHHHHAHAHAHA this is hysterical. You never cease to amaze me! LOVE IT!!!

Mrs Anne said...

leave it to YOU to crack a joke like that.

no doubt you've made an impression there :)

i'm sure they just l♥ve u!

Miss-happypants said...

lol...that's great! I'm glad to hear they have a sense of humor too. :)

Lets gather around the campfire And sing our campfire song Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song And if you don't think that we can sing i...