Sunday, January 4, 2009

Got Bling? 1.4.09

I love it! My fabulous friends found this for me...{cuz I talked non-stop about this thing..thank you Anne & Jamie!} I have a job field where I don't always feel "femey" all the time! I get down right, dirty! { oh yeah..I get all types of animal secretions all over me..and keep going.....} My outfit going out on "calls" is not cute! Hello?! Jason from "friday the 13th called wants his jumpsuit back!"..not kiddin'... just stay tuned for pix of that lil' suit...I WILL *bling* it.
Got bling?

1 comment:

Mrs Anne said...



you've already used all the bling by this morning and you JUST got it last night from us!



Lets gather around the campfire And sing our campfire song Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song And if you don't think that we can sing i...