Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So I read an article or something...
or maybe I saw it on TV???
But in real life-these two are married?!
this series!!
I'm bummed that she got tricked into drinking Eric's blood in all...
but, I kinda like Eric also..
So confusing!!!!
Tara is ALWAYS getting into some trouble.
Sam needs to ditch his fam..
or is it?????





Summer said...

OK I do think they are married in real life! Did you read the post I did about Sam? The hubs and him are good friends! They went to Jr. High and High School together and played ball together etc., so it's funny for him to see him on tv....anywho when he comes to town they do lunch....I haven't seen him since he started the True Blood series but I am thinking I really need his autograph LOL


Miss-happypants said...

I've never seen this before, but I heard it's really good. Don't have that chanel. :(

I thought your title said Snookie. lol. I was like...snookie has nothing to do with vampires. :)

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

That's cool they are married in real life! :)

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

hello where did u go lol?i look forward to reading ur blog:)and its been forever,,,tami:)

Christy {SparklesandSpinach} said...

I can't wait for True Blood to start up again! And oh my do I love that Mr. Northman.. he's yummy!!!! LOL. I hope you had a great holiday! Wishing you a very happy new year =)

Llama said...

I just cannnnt wait for the new series to come back on!!!!
Isn't it just the sweetest thing that they are married in real life?!
Have you read the books?

Lets gather around the campfire And sing our campfire song Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song And if you don't think that we can sing i...