Tuesday, September 1, 2009

.9.1.09.." Looks Good, Huh?"

Ha! Fooled ya!
These are cookies for my pooch-from Petco...I can't believe how real they look?!

But I thought they were really cute...
I keep smelling them before giving them to my dog...these real?

NOOOO!!! I haven't tried them! Geez!

Knowing my luck it's made out of chicken beaks, goose liver, and pig butt holes!!


Lindsey said...

HAHAHA you got me!

The Pink Chick said...

They do look good enough to eat, but if there are pig buttholes in there I definitely would leave them for the dogs! :) You are too funny girl! I needed a laugh today!

Mrs Anne said...

You had me until you mentioned pig buttholes.


miss you!

Miss-happypants said...

you are so funny! You will buy anything if it is cute! And yes...they do look good. lol

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